A Little Thing Called Love (Sing Lek Lek tee Riak)

This is a story of a fourteen year old girl named Nam who secretly have a crush on her senior Chone. She’s unattractive or simply put– the UGLY! She only tops her english class. To make him see that she exists, Nam tried to change her physical appearance, studied very well, and of course signed for a dance club in class but eventually got rejected because she hopes Chone to turn around just once for her.

Author Reviews:
Totally heart-warming! Amazing story and portrayals. Good characters too!
I actually cried a bucketful of tears for this movie. It really is based on a true story for everyone.
I’m starting to love Thai Movies! This movie was EPIC!:D

Credits to: http://asianmediawiki.com
SahaMongkolMedia (youtube account)